Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cat - Flea Treatment - Which Treatment is Best For Your Pet

When a flea hitches a ride on your cat or dog, you have big problems about to happen. The life cycle of a flea takes no time for the little pest to produce eggs that soon have your home infested with the biting insects. Your pet is miserable and covered in the little creatures, and you and your family might even find yourselves with flea bites on your ankles or stomach.

Then it's on to Project Deep Clean. Your whole house is going to have to be treated, with special attention to the areas that your pet loves the most. Your sofa will need to be sprayed, your bedding washed, your carpets steam cleaned and your pet washed and treated with insecticidal products. The house will end up being spotless, but you'll have spent a great deal of time, money, and effort and there will probably be a lingering odor of chemicals. Joy.

Spot-on treatments can be the best, easiest prevention method to these flea headaches. These small vials carry a product that you apply to your pet's skin once a month. The liquid covers a small spot and then your pet's natural movements distribute the product over the animal's body for flea prevention. If your pet has long hair or lives in an area prone to fleas, spot-on treatments are the way to go.

The packages are color coded so you can choose the one right for your pet's type and weight, reducing the risk of misapplication. However, spot-on flea treatments are in fact chemicals so it is important not to be complacent and to exactly follow the manufacturer's guidelines. If you do not, you could give your pet an overdose making him very sick.

As pesticide treatments go, spot-on flea treatments are more effective than flea collars which just tend to treat the fleas around the neck and work for a limited time only. Powder can be messy and there is no way of avoiding it becoming airborne and breathing it in, which to say the least is unhealthy. Sprays also are breathed in by their very nature and animals can resist spraying, particularly cats.

However, pesticides are still pesticides and if they can be avoided they should be. Spot-on flea treatments are recommended for animals with severe flea allergies if nothing else has worked because the consequence of the allergy is worse than the risks associated with chemical exposure. Topical flea treatments enter your pets' bodies through the skin and go to the liver and kidneys before the intestines. Exposure such as this to chemicals has the effect of weakening an animal's immune system and they may be more vulnerable to health problems as a result.

Sometimes simple, effective and easy is still not the best way. It is important to choose a flea eradication method that is also safe. Take some time to learn about the alternatives available to you before exposing your pet unduly to chemicals.

Visit these web sites for more information about getting rid of fleas and

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Cat - 10 Most Popular Cat Breeds

Back in the ancient times, the cats are already around. They are even placed in elevated positions in civilizations like Egypt.

Today, any one can enjoy owning a cat. There are no restrictions at all in owning them, unlike other pets that require high maintenance and are subject to state or federal regulation.

A cat can also help you forget an exhausting day at work or at school. It can cuddle up to you and purr. It makes you feel protective over the cat.

Caring for a Cat

Any cat lover out there does not need any reason or question for owning one. Yet, for those who do not have a cat they may think that this is a tremendous task.

Actually, cats are the easiest pets to own. Cats are the perfect companions. They do not require much from the owner. They only have to be regularly fed. They also need a shelter.

Cats can be toilet trained too. A simple tray and a few training sessions can dispense with the problem of dealing with their dirt, especially for indoor cats.

Getting Your Own Cat

Having a cat in the household will definitely be an experience you do not want to miss. Again, they can be easily maintained in the household, so there is no need to worry.

All you have to do is to pick one type that will best suit your personality. There are a big number of cat breeds out there to choose from, not to mention those that have been cross-bred.

Each breed has its own distinct characteristic and personality. This can affect how they will behave, how they play and even if they will require further maintenance.

The best thing to do is to pick the best breed for you. Here are the top 10 breeds that you can choose from.

1. Persian Cat

The Persian cat is one of the most popular breeds in town. They are known for their long and fluffy hair that can grow up to 3 inches. They also have beautiful colors that range from white, black, gray, orange or a combination of these colors.

Persian cats require more maintenance in terms of their hair. They also need comfortable environments and they have to feel secured.

2. Siamese Cat

Siamese cats are also very popular. They have markings in their hair that make them very distinct. They also have slender bodies and very elegant posture.

A Siamese cat always wants to be the center of attention. They want to be cared for. They tend to get too noisy or cry a lot if they want to call your attention.

3. Maine Coon Cat

The Maine Coon Cat, or as some would say Mancoon cat, is one of the oldest breeds of cats. Everywhere in the world, there is one you will find as they can withstand warm and even cold climates.

One will be a very loyal addition to the family. They are fun-loving. Their good-natured personality will make them very safe with kids.

4. Ragdoll

Another wonderful breed for soon-to-be pet owners is the ragdoll. This cat has medium length of hair. They are very gentle, easy-going and affectionate.

They are perfect for any household. They only have to be kept indoors, away from the aggressive animals.

5. Burmese Cat

Burmese cats are shorthaired. They have big yellow eyes and very satiny hair. Stroking their hairs are enough for grooming.

Burmese cats tend to be vocal like the Siamese. They only have softer voices. They can get really bonded and trusting with their owners.

6. Manx

The Manx cats are very distinct because of their peculiar backs that end in a shortened tail. Their structure gives them a very rounded look that makes them more adorable and cuddly.

Manx cats are very intelligent and playful. They are even considered as social cats as they love people very much. They can even be playful even around water, making it easier to groom them.

7. Siberian Cat

Siberian cats are known for their proportioned bodies and their furs. Some even claim that their furs are hypoallergenic, although this is still subject to be confirmed.

These cats are intelligent, loyal and very affectionate. They are almost dog-like in their personality.

8. Somali Cat

Somali cats are long-haired cats that wee from the Abyssinian breed. They have fluffy hair and bottle-brush tails.

They are perfect for owners who want an active, intelligent and playful pet. They can also get very curious. They also shed little hair and thereby perfect for those who do not want too much grooming time.

9. Russian Blue

This breed of cat has blue to bluish-gray coat. They usually have green or dark eyes.

Russian Blues are very playful and intelligent. They also bond really well with their owners but they are very shy to strangers.

10. American Bobtail

American Bobtails are distinctly recognized for their tails that are shorter than the ordinary type and look like it has been specially bobbed. They can have short or long coats. Their eye colors can also vary.


Cats are the most wonderful creatures in the world. They are the beloved pets in most households and neighborhoods. So get your own cat now.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Cat - 10 Most Popular Cat Breeds

Back in the ancient times, the cats are already around. They are even placed in elevated positions in civilizations like Egypt.

Today, any one can enjoy owning a cat. There are no restrictions at all in owning them, unlike other pets that require high maintenance and are subject to state or federal regulation.

A cat can also help you forget an exhausting day at work or at school. It can cuddle up to you and purr. It makes you feel protective over the cat.

Caring for a Cat

Any cat lover out there does not need any reason or question for owning one. Yet, for those who do not have a cat they may think that this is a tremendous task.

Actually, cats are the easiest pets to own. Cats are the perfect companions. They do not require much from the owner. They only have to be regularly fed. They also need a shelter.

Cats can be toilet trained too. A simple tray and a few training sessions can dispense with the problem of dealing with their dirt, especially for indoor cats.

Getting Your Own Cat

Having a cat in the household will definitely be an experience you do not want to miss. Again, they can be easily maintained in the household, so there is no need to worry.

All you have to do is to pick one type that will best suit your personality. There are a big number of cat breeds out there to choose from, not to mention those that have been cross-bred.

Each breed has its own distinct characteristic and personality. This can affect how they will behave, how they play and even if they will require further maintenance.

The best thing to do is to pick the best breed for you. Here are the top 10 breeds that you can choose from.

1. Persian Cat

The Persian cat is one of the most popular breeds in town. They are known for their long and fluffy hair that can grow up to 3 inches. They also have beautiful colors that range from white, black, gray, orange or a combination of these colors.

Persian cats require more maintenance in terms of their hair. They also need comfortable environments and they have to feel secured.

2. Siamese Cat

Siamese cats are also very popular. They have markings in their hair that make them very distinct. They also have slender bodies and very elegant posture.

A Siamese cat always wants to be the center of attention. They want to be cared for. They tend to get too noisy or cry a lot if they want to call your attention.

3. Maine Coon Cat

The Maine Coon Cat, or as some would say Mancoon cat, is one of the oldest breeds of cats. Everywhere in the world, there is one you will find as they can withstand warm and even cold climates.

One will be a very loyal addition to the family. They are fun-loving. Their good-natured personality will make them very safe with kids.

4. Ragdoll

Another wonderful breed for soon-to-be pet owners is the ragdoll. This cat has medium length of hair. They are very gentle, easy-going and affectionate.

They are perfect for any household. They only have to be kept indoors, away from the aggressive animals.

5. Burmese Cat

Burmese cats are shorthaired. They have big yellow eyes and very satiny hair. Stroking their hairs are enough for grooming.

Burmese cats tend to be vocal like the Siamese. They only have softer voices. They can get really bonded and trusting with their owners.

6. Manx

The Manx cats are very distinct because of their peculiar backs that end in a shortened tail. Their structure gives them a very rounded look that makes them more adorable and cuddly.

Manx cats are very intelligent and playful. They are even considered as social cats as they love people very much. They can even be playful even around water, making it easier to groom them.

7. Siberian Cat

Siberian cats are known for their proportioned bodies and their furs. Some even claim that their furs are hypoallergenic, although this is still subject to be confirmed.

These cats are intelligent, loyal and very affectionate. They are almost dog-like in their personality.

8. Somali Cat

Somali cats are long-haired cats that wee from the Abyssinian breed. They have fluffy hair and bottle-brush tails.

They are perfect for owners who want an active, intelligent and playful pet. They can also get very curious. They also shed little hair and thereby perfect for those who do not want too much grooming time.

9. Russian Blue

This breed of cat has blue to bluish-gray coat. They usually have green or dark eyes.

Russian Blues are very playful and intelligent. They also bond really well with their owners but they are very shy to strangers.

10. American Bobtail

American Bobtails are distinctly recognized for their tails that are shorter than the ordinary type and look like it has been specially bobbed. They can have short or long coats. Their eye colors can also vary.


Cats are the most wonderful creatures in the world. They are the beloved pets in most households and neighborhoods. So get your own cat now.

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn all about pets and pet care. Visit the cat center to find out more about cat breeds cat care.

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Cat - Important Nutritional Information on Cat Food

Cat Food Fact #1 Cats must get their Protein

Protein is crucial for your cat's health, and generally comes from fish, meat or poultry. Advertisers will often say their brand is beef, turkey or mackerel flavoured, but it may not actually contain those products, meaning it may not be rich in protein. Always ensure the food you buy but your cat has a sufficient amount of protein in it, irrespective of the flavour.

Cat Food Fact #2 Cat Food with Taurine

Taurine is an important amino acid for your cat, and you should also check that the food you buy contains this supplement. Cats control their own levels and indicate these with their appetite. If you cat is eating a lot, the food you are buying may not have enough nutrients for a balanced diet. You can watch your cats weight by buying a nutrient rich food as your cat will eat less and you might even save money.

Cat Food Fact #3 Canned or Dry Cat Food?

Cats require a varied diet, including a mixture of canned and dry food. Contrary to opinions that it doesn't matter, buying only one type of food because of convenience or price is a mistake, and can harm your cat's health. When the cat is alone or unattended for a period, carbohydrate rich dry food should be left out for your cat with a supply of fresh water. Tinned food is higher in protein due to the meat content, and contains higher water levels. Both are essential for a balanced diet, and a combination of both dry and canned food will keep essential variety in the diet and prevent the cat from seeking food elsewhere.

Cat Food Fact #4 Avoid fillers in cat food

Protein is essential for your cat as part of a balanced diet. Ensure the food you buy is rich in protein, and not overly full of carbohydrates, common fillers used by manufacturers to build out volume. Always read the label, and check for overly high levels of carbohydrate and other by-products in the cat food.

Cat - Important Nutritional Information on Cat Food

Cat Food Fact #1 Cats must get their Protein

Protein is crucial for your cat's health, and generally comes from fish, meat or poultry. Advertisers will often say their brand is beef, turkey or mackerel flavoured, but it may not actually contain those products, meaning it may not be rich in protein. Always ensure the food you buy but your cat has a sufficient amount of protein in it, irrespective of the flavour.

Cat Food Fact #2 Cat Food with Taurine

Taurine is an important amino acid for your cat, and you should also check that the food you buy contains this supplement. Cats control their own levels and indicate these with their appetite. If you cat is eating a lot, the food you are buying may not have enough nutrients for a balanced diet. You can watch your cats weight by buying a nutrient rich food as your cat will eat less and you might even save money.

Cat Food Fact #3 Canned or Dry Cat Food?

Cats require a varied diet, including a mixture of canned and dry food. Contrary to opinions that it doesn't matter, buying only one type of food because of convenience or price is a mistake, and can harm your cat's health. When the cat is alone or unattended for a period, carbohydrate rich dry food should be left out for your cat with a supply of fresh water. Tinned food is higher in protein due to the meat content, and contains higher water levels. Both are essential for a balanced diet, and a combination of both dry and canned food will keep essential variety in the diet and prevent the cat from seeking food elsewhere.

Cat Food Fact #4 Avoid fillers in cat food

Protein is essential for your cat as part of a balanced diet. Ensure the food you buy is rich in protein, and not overly full of carbohydrates, common fillers used by manufacturers to build out volume. Always read the label, and check for overly high levels of carbohydrate and other by-products in the cat food.

Jay Moncliff is the founder of a website specialized on Cat Food, resources and articles. This site provides updated information on Cat Food. For more info visit his site: Cat Food

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Cat - Are Your Customers Keeping Score? You'd Better Believe It!

I had traveled last week and wanted to share one of my experiences with you. I had completed a series of seminars on Business Writing and finished in Oakland, Ca. That happens to be near where my brother lives and I took the opportunity to visit him over the weekend.

We went to dinner on Saturday evening at a restaurant that was right down the street from his house. Here is where the story becomes about Customer Service. Since it was very near his house, my brother is a regular. You can always tell you are a regular if the owner greets you by name and gives you a hug.

We signed on the waiting list, (it was very busy) and proceeded to ogle the other patrons dishes. I do believe this is the purest form of torture, being able to see, smell and anticipate the enjoyment of a good meal, and not being able to join in the fun and taste, even though it is a mere 3 feet away.

After we had waited a few minutes the owner came back by and asked if we would like a glass of wine. Excellent suggestion! Of course we had a little vino to while away the time and whet our appetite for things to come. 100 points to the owner!

A table came open and we were seated near the front window. It was a nice table and was just right for out little group. 100 points to the hostess!

What happened next started subtracting points from the experience. The waiter showed up was obviously rushed and spoke so rapidly through the specials, we had to ask twice. Then of course he became a little shall we say irritated, and raced through the specials again! By that time he had lost us and with a curt "I'll be back later to take your order" ran away. 100 point deduction!

We then received some bread and butter for snacking and talking. Not brought out by the waiter though. Still the bread was fresh; the service had been quick, so add 100 points!

Mr. Speedmenureciter returned. And even more, shall we say, agitated.

The true test of Customer Service Professionals is when the tent is falling down on the circus, the animals are escaping and you've run out of popcorn, is to never let your guests know this is happening! It's not for them to experience! Your job is to keep the guests from knowing anything about how your circus runs!

The support staff around you is your biggest asset! Ask them for help! If you have been a true team player and Professional, they will gladly pitch in! This falls in the category of "building bridges" with your fellow employees and staff.

100 point deduction for Mr. Speedmenureciter's lack of effort to keep the restaurant patrons, just patrons.

The meal was excellent! And we had a visit from several support staff, not the waiter. Water and more bread appeared as if by magic. The plates arrived hot, the meal was extremely tasty! I had a Stroganoff fettucini. Fabulous! 100 points to the chef!

We did have one more encounter with speedwaiter. He brought the check with nary a Thank You and disappeared. Please remember this is a "local restaurant" and my brother had been in many times. He was used to a certain level of service.

He did not tip the waiter very much, if anything at all. In addition, when you dine here, they give you a bowl of gummiworms as part of the experience. We had to ask for our gummiworms. 100 point deduction.

If your business typically provides something as part of the service or experience, and you don't provide it "this one time" guess what! People expect it to be the same every time and if you do not do it that way, your regular customers will stop being your regular customers.

If you are the owner and notice this happening, or someone brings it to your attention (a regular customer for example) then counsel, advise and cheer. If the situation continues, and does not meet the standards you have set, then something has got to change.

Either Your Standards or Your Personnel. 100 point deduction for the waiter's service.

Our experience was shaped by the PEOPLE and not the meal or the atmosphere.

If you have people that are in direct contact with your customers and they are not following your guidelines, then you have to make a choice.

Final Tally: 0, and if you are a Customer Service Professional, you know what zero means. You have to work harder the next time to overcome the negative experience from that last visit.

I do want to go back there again. Hopefully, it won't be with the same waiter.

Cat - Are Your Customers Keeping Score? You'd Better Believe It!

I had traveled last week and wanted to share one of my experiences with you. I had completed a series of seminars on Business Writing and finished in Oakland, Ca. That happens to be near where my brother lives and I took the opportunity to visit him over the weekend.

We went to dinner on Saturday evening at a restaurant that was right down the street from his house. Here is where the story becomes about Customer Service. Since it was very near his house, my brother is a regular. You can always tell you are a regular if the owner greets you by name and gives you a hug.

We signed on the waiting list, (it was very busy) and proceeded to ogle the other patrons dishes. I do believe this is the purest form of torture, being able to see, smell and anticipate the enjoyment of a good meal, and not being able to join in the fun and taste, even though it is a mere 3 feet away.

After we had waited a few minutes the owner came back by and asked if we would like a glass of wine. Excellent suggestion! Of course we had a little vino to while away the time and whet our appetite for things to come. 100 points to the owner!

A table came open and we were seated near the front window. It was a nice table and was just right for out little group. 100 points to the hostess!

What happened next started subtracting points from the experience. The waiter showed up was obviously rushed and spoke so rapidly through the specials, we had to ask twice. Then of course he became a little shall we say irritated, and raced through the specials again! By that time he had lost us and with a curt "I'll be back later to take your order" ran away. 100 point deduction!

We then received some bread and butter for snacking and talking. Not brought out by the waiter though. Still the bread was fresh; the service had been quick, so add 100 points!

Mr. Speedmenureciter returned. And even more, shall we say, agitated.

The true test of Customer Service Professionals is when the tent is falling down on the circus, the animals are escaping and you've run out of popcorn, is to never let your guests know this is happening! It's not for them to experience! Your job is to keep the guests from knowing anything about how your circus runs!

The support staff around you is your biggest asset! Ask them for help! If you have been a true team player and Professional, they will gladly pitch in! This falls in the category of "building bridges" with your fellow employees and staff.

100 point deduction for Mr. Speedmenureciter's lack of effort to keep the restaurant patrons, just patrons.

The meal was excellent! And we had a visit from several support staff, not the waiter. Water and more bread appeared as if by magic. The plates arrived hot, the meal was extremely tasty! I had a Stroganoff fettucini. Fabulous! 100 points to the chef!

We did have one more encounter with speedwaiter. He brought the check with nary a Thank You and disappeared. Please remember this is a "local restaurant" and my brother had been in many times. He was used to a certain level of service.

He did not tip the waiter very much, if anything at all. In addition, when you dine here, they give you a bowl of gummiworms as part of the experience. We had to ask for our gummiworms. 100 point deduction.

If your business typically provides something as part of the service or experience, and you don't provide it "this one time" guess what! People expect it to be the same every time and if you do not do it that way, your regular customers will stop being your regular customers.

If you are the owner and notice this happening, or someone brings it to your attention (a regular customer for example) then counsel, advise and cheer. If the situation continues, and does not meet the standards you have set, then something has got to change.

Either Your Standards or Your Personnel. 100 point deduction for the waiter's service.

Our experience was shaped by the PEOPLE and not the meal or the atmosphere.

If you have people that are in direct contact with your customers and they are not following your guidelines, then you have to make a choice.

Final Tally: 0, and if you are a Customer Service Professional, you know what zero means. You have to work harder the next time to overcome the negative experience from that last visit.

I do want to go back there again. Hopefully, it won't be with the same waiter.

Leonard Buchholz is a Certified Trainer, Speaker and Author. If you are looking for a seminar leader that is "High Touch and Low Tech," look no further. Leonard is known for energetic seminars that involve the participants. Seminar subjects include Customer Service, Difficult People and Difficult Situations, Management and Communications. Reach him at or call 760-529-5635.

Article Source:

Cat - Garfield the Cat Quotes

If there were such a class as Wit 101 then no doubt, its role model would be Garfield the Cat. This popular feline comic figure may not be able to speak, but his thoughts more than make up for it. If you wish to learn how to shine in company by dropping lines that are acerbic in essence but humorous and inoffensive in style, you can learn everything you need to know by reflecting and basing your conversation on Garfield the Cat Quotes.

Dissecting Garfield the Cat Quotes


If there are instances when people are already talking about one of your intrinsic bad habits, or when you find it necessary to discuss it, the best thing to do is admit your inability to eliminate whatever habit this is in a humorous fashion.

Garfield has never made any secrets about his inability and even his unwillingness to get rid of his innate laziness, gluttony, apathy and a tendency to get bored. People would actually appreciate you more if you're just up front with your own flaws as well!


Exercise is gradually becoming a contentious issue for society. As health consciousness increases, people who find it easy to exercise regularly similarly find it easy to exercise their bragging rights as well and many are unable to resist the urge of flaunting such ease over people who continually have to struggle with exercising.

If you're experiencing difficulties with exercising regularly as well and have the misfortune of bumping into someone who doesn't and have no qualms of flaunting his edge over you, confront such attitude the Garfield way. Use irony, and people who overhear you will laugh with you while laughing AT the other person.

After all, people who exercise their bodies don't necessarily mean they exercise their minds as well!


Euphemisms should not be used exclusively for sensitive issues like death and physical imperfections. These should also be used extensively to make bad things sound, well, less bad.

Challenge is a favorite term of Garfield the Cat. Instead of saying messy, he uses organizationally challenged instead. He does the same for people with height inadequacies (vertically challenged), weight problems (horizontally challenged), and the favorite of people so far - for those who are physically unattractive, Garfield the cat dubs them as being "facially challenged". Challenge is a good word, and it can be used to make the truth sound less hungry and be seen in a more humorous light. Challenge is a word that can also effectively defuse tension in any given circumstances when used correctly and at the right time.


Everybody who follows Garfield knows that he's obsessed and can never get enough of lasagna. We have our own quirks and passions as well, and if some people are unable to understand much less accept such things about us then the best way to deal with such people is - once again - by humor!

Stating the unequivocal truth - that what you like and dislike is nobody's business but yours - may simply lead to quarrels. With a humorous or sarcastic line, however, you'll be able to get your point across without stepping on other people's toes.

A Brief Background on Garfield the Cat

This orange, black-striped cat is the sole creation of Jim Davis and made its debut on June 19, 1978 which is now universally acknowledged as his birthday as well. Nowadays, however, it is basically employed artists and cartoonists of Davis' Paws, Inc. that make the drawings and storylines for Garfield.

The relationship between pet and master is reversed in this comic strip because Garfield is frequently depicted as superior to his master Jon in numerous ways. Garfield is also often shown as having a condescending to other animals in the house but most especially to Odie, the dog which he loves to hate but secretly loves - in a platonic way, of course - nonetheless.

Although Garfield is rarely anything but sarcastic, readers usually find this side of him humorous knowing that Garfield suffers from problems that they can relate to like diet and love. Garfield is also famous for being lazy, apathetic, easily bored, and addicted to lasagna.